Brown Belt II - 6:30 pm
Max V.
Anton N. (BB I review)
Purple Belt III - 6:30 pm
Santino K.
Cristiano K.
Purple Belt II - 6:30 pm
Terry W.
Purple Belt I - 6:30 pm
Mila K.
Blue Belt I - 6 pm
Gwen T.
Junior Yellow Belt - 5:30 pm
Giuliana K., Kendall W., Zander D.
Yellow/White Belt - 5:30 pm
Fisher Mc.
Yellow Stripe Belt - 5:30 pm
Eric B. Aurora B., Oliver C., Bowie C.
*Payment must be received prior to testing
**Extra fee applies to any substitute or private testing
***All testing will conclude within 15 minutes of next testing time. Inform Sensei ASAP if you have to be excused early from testing. NO EXCEPTIONS made once testing has started.
White Belt $40
Yellow Belt $45
Blue Belt $50
Green Belt $55
Purple Belt $75
Brown Belt $85